Someone asked, “You know everything?” I said, “Not at all. Noone in existence knows everything. Thank you for that guesswork about me. I know what makes you say that. It’s because I speak my mind out. Everybody has something called a ‘knowing’ in them which can be easily tapped intoContinue Reading

Many times at many places I have encountered this. Whenever I am talking about an experience or an incident that touched or fascinated me or something that happened like a miracle, a natural excitement is always there. Am then asked, “If you are on a path that constantly gives surprisesContinue Reading

INSTAGRAM LIVE: Feb 28, 2021 Everyone is unique. Everything in creation is unique. This video will help you understand how and why it is so, and how to go through life with awareness of this. A small practice session of awareness and deeper Insights into deepening the practice. More insightsContinue Reading

The more you look for a Saviour outside of you, THE MORE HELPLESS AND DESPERATE you become. The tendency will then be to cling to anything or anyone who you feel is going to save you. That’s a delusion, arising from your own weakness of helplessness and because of theContinue Reading

Disciple: Dear Master, I’ve noticed that you’re not praying nor doing any worship anymore. Why? Master : When I knew that God and I or me and the whole being were separated from me, I was praying and worshipping every single day. But when I realised within me that everythingContinue Reading